About Us

Each month we will publish on data.world an original data visualization (with a data set) and you’ll have to improve it with your own visualization. We are so eager to discover how talented you are in telling awesome stories about Romanian data.🥇🏆

Introducing RomanianDATA Tribe


In a moment of reflection, I asked myself why can’t I find well executed graphs from Romania (by Romanians) or why there are so scarce? I thought that there is a need that must be covered somehow. What would it be like to increase the quality of visualizations and graphics in Romania? What would be like to create a community which would create amazing graphs, useful for Romanian organizations, and at the same time to increase the analytical skills of the participants? What would be like to build a community of Romanian data analysts?


The vision is to create a community that achieves the best and most useful data visualizations from Romania in order to offer the best decision-making support for Romanian institutions and organizations. We don’t want to be left behind in the digital revolution we find ourselves in. We wish to help the Romanian educational system, which is not ready to develop the analytical skills of young people.

Why is it important to increase the quality of graphs in Romania? Data became one of the most important assets of companies. In the era of Big Data, it is very important to know what to do with data and what it tells us. For this, we need specialists with developed analytical skills that know how to explore the data and communicate the main valuable insights to the audience. Correct data visualization can transform rows and columns from a table into valuable information for decision making (from a table it is hard to notice trends, outliers, comparisons, magnitudes, etc.)


We wish to create a platform, on a national level, in which analysts with different levels of experience or aspirations can collaborate to create visualization based on Romanian themes, with Romanian collected data. The themes should cover areas of interest in Romania, industries, social problems in order to help the society. The analysts would be able to learn from one another, to inspire each other and collaborate.

What’s RomanianDATA Challenge?

Every month (on 1st day) we will publish on data.world an original data visualization (with a data set) and you’ll have to improve it with your own dashboard/infographic/story until the 20th of the month📊. There are no rules and you can choose your favorite tool to do it. In order to submit your makeover you have to post a link to your dashboard in the data.world Discussion section of the respective month topic, and you can post it on LinkedIn using #RomanianDATA hashtag and tagging “RomanianDATA Tribe” organization page. (following the hashtag and company page you will be notified for all updates) Also make sure to fill in the participation tracker: https://forms.gle/CTXdA6FH1Y953gGY8

On 21th of the month we will post the recap + a poll on “RomanianDATA Tribe” company page in which all that follow the community (participants and non-participants) can vote their favorite visualization.
After that we will post a ranking chart with all participants, sorted descending by the number of votes. Are you prepared to receive the medal🥇🏆?

We want to take advantage of our LinkedIn growing community, therefore we will share the most wonderful stories, we will give feedback and will engage with all submissions.

If you want to use the RomanianDATA Tribe Logo in your visualizations you can find it here in portrait and landscape versions: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1JD9fYeEbWhvDpBuHI_EYwnsxhi2pe6WA?usp=sharing

Good luck to anyone and HAPPY VIZING‼